My Korean Food Adventures – Ducky Pumpkin in Daegu

Posted: April 10, 2012 in Korea Food Adventures, Uncategorized

What better way to start my first foodie post than to write about one of the most deliciously divine meals I’ve ever eaten since my time in Korea. Duck in Pumpkin or  오리호박   in Korean. Someone posted about it on the In Daegu Facebook group about 2 months ago and since then I have been on the hunt to find a Duck in Pumpkin restaurant in Daegu. My new co-teacher Jessi was kind enough to find out all the information and I was more than happy to have her come along and help me experience this meal first hand. Duck in Pumpkin is apparently not a typical kind of Korean meal. Some call it Korean Fusion food. I just call it amazingly delicious. My co-teachers Jessi, Mrs Lee and Jessi’s friend Pico all joined me for the feast.

Getting ready for our feast

At first we were given pumpkin soup which was amazingly divine. I haven’t eaten pumpkin since my time in Korea so it was pure bliss. Then the banchan (Korean traditional side dishes) arrived. There was the traditional Kimchi which happened to be a little sour than usual. Jessi suggested that it had possibly been fermented for too long. Then there were marinated mushrooms (Think I ate all of them), cabbage salad, chilli peppers, onions, garlic, lettuce leaf salad,, some kind of marinated vegetables, sesame leaves, lettuce leaves and we also had a small bowl of seaweed soup – 미역국.

Pumpkin Soup on the left - Wasabi Soy Sauce mixture on the right

 We dug in straight away and I was sooo excited to see the main event I couldn’t contain myself. Then BOOM!!! There it was!! A big burst of pumpkiny goodness with a roasted ducky mountain bang in the centre. My heart start doing flickflacks!! The waitress each gave us a section of the pumpkin as we weren’t really sure how to begin. I just placed a piece of the duck with some Doenjang and some onions onto a lettuce leaf and wolfed it down! Jessi asked the lady manager how we should eat it and she just said take a piece of the duck dip it into the sauce (kinda like a mix of soy sauce and wasabi) add on a piece of pumpkin and boom into your belly. Absolute perfection. I was in pumpkin ducky heaven and could have honestly ordered another one. The pumpkin was perfectly roasted and the section of pumpkin underneath the duck had absorbed all the delicious juices and tasted even more unbelievable then my first bite. Duck in pumpkin had certainly lived up to its name.

Ducky Pumpkin Heaven

My piece of heaven

I want you in my belly!!

What was left

Mrs Lee and I

Kimchi Style Smile 🙂

We then ordered some  칼국수, which is flour noodles in a kind of a vegetable broth. I was quite surprised that we didn’t also order rice as it’s a staple meal here in Korea. I guess the noodles could be a substitute. I had a similar type of noodle meal in Gyeongju when I went on a field trip with the teachers last year November. It reminds me of the Vietnamese Pho minus the beef and coriander.

After we finished the noodles we were offered Coffee, Japanese Apricot Tea –  매실차and  Korean Traditional Tea – 오미자차 . Jessi ordered the different teas and I got to taste both of them. The flavours were relatively mind blowing. I tried to describe the flavour of the Korean Traditional Tea but all I could come up with was that it tasted Oriental. It was an explosion of sweet, sour and spices, almost cherry like. The apricot tea had a yeasty/doughy/beer flavour to it and was just as awesome as the first. The perfect non-alcoholic digestif to finish the perfect meal.

Getting my Tea on

Left - Japanese Apricot Tea, Right - Korean Traditional Tea

The restaurants name is  고야  and is located in Igok-dong in Daegu. I suggest taking the subway to Igok Station and then catching a cab from there to the restaurant. The cab ride probably won’t cost you more than 4000W and it should take about 10 minutes, probably less. I managed to get the business card which you can show to the cab driver and it has a map on the back. See the pictures I’ve posted.

Go Ya

Business Card - All the deets

Business Card - The Map


The whole meal cost about 14 000WON each. That was including the Ducky Pumpkin and the Noodles. So me thinks if you only do the duck it could come out less. One Ducky Pumpkin serves 4 people. So if you are more than 4 they will probably give you 2 pumpkins. Honestly I wish I had my own pumpkin so don’t worry about any of it going to waste.

The Menu

Also very NB, you need to phone atleast 1 hour in advance so they can prepare the duck. Else you’ll sit in the restaurant for quite a while before you even eat. Their number is 053-593-5293 (landline) and 010-9833-5293 (cellphone).

Happy Ducky Pumpkin Eating ^^

  1. lizzieserene says:

    This calls for a trip to Daegu! It looks awesome. I’d love to try it. Welcome to the blogosphere! Can’t wait to see more of your writing.

  2. Alex says:

    This looks amaaaaazing!

  3. The Tripping Pencil says:

    Woop. Going there tomorrow to try it out:)

  4. […] restaurant in Daegu has become renowned amongst local expats, and fairly so. The반찬/banchan, or side dishes, are excellent, as is the […]

  5. […] restaurant in Daegu has become renowned amongst local expats, and fairly so. The 반찬/banchan, or side dishes, are excellent, as is the […]

  6. Deva says:

    I have had continual ducky pumpkin (Ori Hobak) joy since reading this! Had it in Gwangju and Daegu, and heard it’s in Daejeon too. Here is my five cents:

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