Posts Tagged ‘Macaroni’

Now no one could ever start a food blog without remembering all the amazing food they had as a young child. The very first meal that got you hooked  and who was there when it happened. For most people this involves their mother. How could It not! Hell I could dedicate an entire blog just to her. My amazing mother has been on a culinary journey with me my entire life. The bags of flour that I sifted through, the eggs, the baking powder THE MESS!! THE MONEY spent! My mom has been there through it all. She always allowed me the time and space to destroy her kitchen and turn it into an experimental mecca of foodie thoughts and ideas. She is the one that got me started not just on the idea of cooking and feeding people but the whole concept and joy behind it.  Luckily for me I remember this day. In the kitchen at my childhood home. My mom had just made dinner, a huge casserole dish sat pristine ontop of the stove cooling down. All I could see was melty cheese and bits of sausage and some pasta. Ooo melty cheese. My gastronomical crutch. I pushed the small wooden chair closer so I could reach it and started picking away at the delicious crispy crunchy melty bits.

It was heaven. The sauce that embodied the pasta was creamy and rich and full of flavor. The tomatoes displayed neatly on the sides. The little russian sausages cut into small cubes and perfectly distributed throughout the dish. The onions diced finely gave a gentle sweetness and crunch. The cheese! Oh the cheese! Melty and gooey inside, perfect and crispy ontop. It was as I have and always will remember the best meal of my entire life and every time and I mean every time my Moface makes it, it brings back only the happiest thoughts and memories. It’s tough to explain in that it’s the most special dish I think I will ever share on this blog. It’s comforting, it’s moorish and just plain damn delicious.

Moface’s Macaroni & Cheese Recipe


1 Onion chopped

4 Savoury Sausages (Russians) chopped

1tsp Garlic

1tsp Salt

1/2 tsp Mustard powder

1 tsp Oregano

1/2 cup Cheese (grated)

1/2 pkt Cooked Macaroni

2 Tbs Butter

2 Tbs Flour

1Tbs Corn Starch

1 Cup Water


1. To make a white sauce add the butter into a small pot and melt. Add the flour and corn starch in small quantities and mix till it forms a smooth paste. If it gets too think add small amounts of water to bring it back to that paste like consistency.

2. Mix all the ingredients above except the cheese.

3. Add the white sauce into this mixture  and mix well.

4. Once combined place this mixture into a glass casserole dish, cover with freshly sliced tomatoes if that’s your thing and then pile as much cheese as you can on the top.

5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 mins or until the cheese is crispy.

Dish yourself a massive bowl, pour a glass of wine, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Love you Mamma ❤