Posts Tagged ‘Kimchi Jeon’

There is nothing better than having a good old swig of Makkeoli on a cold evening accompanied with Kimchi Jeon or a Kimchi Pancake. A Kimchi Pancake is exactly what it says it is. It’s a type of pancake batter mixed with cut up Kimchi fried and then sliced into pieces which are then dipped into Soy Sauce.

I used my fresh tasty amazing Kimchi alongside Maangchi’s Kimchi Jeon Recipe to develop this creation.


4 Tbs of cut up Kimchi

3 Tbs of Kimchi juice (from the same container)

1/2 minced Onion

1/2 Cup Flour

1/4 Cup Water

Oil for frying

1. Mix all the ingredients above together in a large bowl. I added a touch more Fish Sauce and another Tablespoon of Hot Pepper Flakes for a bit more of a kick.

2. Heat a pan with some oil and when ready add a 5mm layer of your batter and fry on both sides till its brown.

Be careful as the pancake can be very flimsy when u flip it over. Your layer of batter should be thick enough so that it won’t break and thin enough so it will cook through.

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Kimchi Jeon made with my fresh homemade Kimchi