Posts Tagged ‘cake’

At my High School I’m blessed enough to be able to teach a wonderful but small group of students who are so interested in learning anything and everything that sometimes it can make my job extremely hard but rewarding. I decided to mix it up a little and have some fun. It’s getting to that time of the year especially in my little town of Seongju where the big jackets start coming out and the ondol (Underfloor heating) gets turned on. So I decided to do something involving warmth and excitement as apposed to sitting in a freezing cold classroom with blank stares.

I’d been following a couple foodies on Pinterest and one recipe popped up. Cake in a Mug. I’ve seen it countless times with all sorts of variations of ingredients and techniques and decided it was now the time to try it out. I remember a couple years ago my sister and dad tried it out and much to their dismay it ended up being a gooey dense mess. It tasted great but I wanted to perfect it. Lucky for me someone already had! I found the recipe from the Instructables website and went ahead with planning my cooking day.

My girls would each bring a mug and an egg and wonderful Che teacher would bring the rest. Flour, Oil, Milk, Cocoa, Chocolate Chips and Sugar.

The day started out great going through the recipe and making sure they understood the process and then it was time to get stuck in and get messy!! The recipe is extremely easy to follow and exciting to put together. Here’s the Recipe for an average size mug.


  • 4 tablespoons flour 
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoon cocoa
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate chips

According to the website it suggests that 1 egg is too much, 1 egg white is too eggy, 1 yolk is too dense, but 2 tblsp is just right! Unfortunately my students didn’t really understand why they couldn’t use the whole egg so it all went in lol.


1. Mix the flour, sugar and cocoa in the mug


2. Add the egg and mix extremely well.


3. Add the milk and oil and mix.

4. Once the mixture resembles a glossy fudgey goop you can add chocolate chips. We also added some mini snickers bars to ours.


5. Once that has all come together blitz it in the microwave for 3 minutes and boom your cake is done.


I really wanted to add in some delicious ice cream or even just whipped cream to the cakes but they were gobbled up pretty quick. I will definitely be making this at home this winter when my sweet tooth starts a calling, you should try it too!


Sylvia enjoying her cake