My Food Heroes – Randall’s Chicken a’la King

Posted: December 4, 2013 in My Food Heroes

Only a few people are ever lucky enough to have their best friend live literally 27 steps from their front door. Me? Well, I am one of those people. I spent most of my High School years with my longest and bestest friend Candice. As your usual best friend shenanigans go we were always together. We went to school together, we went home together, we used to eat breakfast at one stage together, we went shopping together, we even swam the Midmar Mile together while oogling hot lifeguards and basically caused all sorts of craziness together. They are fond and beautiful memories and I cherish them all to this day. We are still besties for life even though the distance keeps us apart at the moment but both successful happy ladies at the end of it all.

As kids we didn’t reli get to go extra fancy with our cooking skills but my Randall impressed the socks off me when she made me Chicken a’la King. Chicken a’la whaaat? I had no idea what this dish was except that it had chicken in it? It sounded complicated? I expected this was gonna be a 4 hour affair but Candice scurried off and got all the ingredients out and I just sat at the kitchen counter watching her. She was totally in the zone and what meal she presented me at the end with was just amazing. It’s a meal we shared many times after that day on top of all our Zoo Biscuits, Salt & Vinegar Chips, Prawn Chips, Doritos, Senties, Chocolates, Schweppes Sparkling Granadilla, Creme Soda and Wimpys Breakfasts. It will always remind me of  her and all those amazing memories and your lucky enough to have this recipe treasure of mine . Love you my Randall ❤


1 Rotisserie Chicken

1 pkt White Onion Soup

1 Punnet Mushrooms

2 Green Peppers

1 T Garlic

250ml Cream

100ml Milk

1/2 tsp Oregano

Salt/ Black & White Pepper to taste


1. De-bone the chicken and don’t shred the meat too much

2. Fry mushrooms and peppers in some olive oil

3. Add a pinch of salt and pepper with herbs

4. Sprinkle the white onion powder over the veggies and add the cream and cook for 5 minutes on medium temperature.

5. Add some milk if the sauce has become too thick as well as the de-boned/shredded chicken and a pinch of black pepper. Let this simmer for 10 minutes and serve.

As I will always remember Randall always served her Chicken a’la King with what we call Pasta Rice. I never knew what It was until I came into her kitchen. The more correct term for it is Orzo or Rosini and has become more common to buy in the shops. It’s literally rice shaped pasta and it gives an amazing texture to a hearty meal like this.

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