My Japanese Food Adventures – Deep Fried Squid Tentacles (Ika Geso Age)

Posted: November 10, 2013 in Japanese Food Adventures
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An Izakaya restaurant is very simplistic. It’s a place to go to where you want to drink some good beer or sake and have a few delicious dishes alongside it. Like a Tapas style place. It’s usually a very small hole in the wall with  low tables shoved really close together and a small menu that can be freshly prepared in a matter of minutes.


The ever famous Suntory Whisky

We went to an Izakaya place in Asakusa, Tokyo for a taste of what was on offer. The first thing that my eyes spotted was “Deep Fried Caramali Legs”. The spelling mistake was the least of my worries. I couldn’t believe it!! Fried Calamari! What a win! I absolutely love the stuff.


The Izakaya Menu – Simple yet delicious

All the memories came flooding in of sitting on the beach in Strand, Cape Town with family, friends and boyfriends with a spread of Calamari&Chips. The smell of the sea and the breeze through your hair. The crisp crunch of that first bite. The sting of the lemon juice you doused  all over and finally the calming rejoice of the sweet and tangy mayo that soothes your tongue. This specific dish is so ingrained in my life. It truly represents some of the happiest memories of my childhood.

So as you can imagine I was over the moon and back to see this “Caramali” creation lol. I ordered almost 2 servings and came back the next day for more!


Delicious deep fried Calamari

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