My Korean Kitchen SPECIAL – Kimchi Roast Chicken

Posted: October 30, 2013 in Cheke&Bake, My Korean Kitchen
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Yes you did read that right, Kimchi roasted in Chicken. It might seem like a rather odd combination but oh me oh my does it knock your socks off.

I got the idea one night while watching Masterchef Australia. Literally thee best show ever. They have this challenge called an Invention Challenge where a bunch of amateur cooks get given a box full of ingredients that they need to use to invent some new kind of dish. This particular episode was about Korean food. I was so excited. I recognized almost every ingredient and just pictured myself standing there rocking the hell outta that challenge and winning the Title! haha. Big dreams!  Most of the people in the challenge had no idea what anything was, unlucky for them the ingredients were in their original packaging covered in Korean writing so they couldn’t even read what it was. Which is funny because when I first went to a Korean store I was absolutely petrified to buy anything that didn’t have english writing on it. They just had to go by taste and smell. It was really amusing watching them dash around figuring out what to make with all this weird stuff. But then I stood back and thought to myself wow. It must be so tough to invent something with ingredients you can’t even pronounce.

I decided to take upon my own personal invention test with my delicious homemade Kimchi fermenting away in the fridge and a whole chicken in the freezer. This was either going to turn out to be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten or one of the best.

Once the chicken was defrosted all the way through I trimmed away all the nasty extra bits of fat. I cut the chicken down the middle between the breast bones and split it open. I then flipped it breast side down and started to lift the skin up over the thighs and all the way down to the neck to make a little pocket that I could stuff my Kimchi into.

I took about 1 cup of Kimchi and chopped it up. I added 2Tbs of Fish Sauce and 1 Tbs of Kimchi juice from the container. I then took this mixture and started stuffing my chicken under its skin. I pushed the Kimchi in between the skin and meat of the thighs, legs, breast and even wings. It was completely stuffed lol. I then drizzled over some more kimchi juice as well as 1Tbs of Hot Pepper Flakes, covered it with foil and cooked at 200 degrees for 1 hour.


After the hour was up I removed the foil and cooked for a further 30 mins so the skin could crisp up and the juices intensify.


Well it turned out amazingly. It was such an interesting flavor, surprising yet delicious. After I carved the chicken I made a small gravy with it and served it up with some roasted veggies. For lunch that week I added the Kimchi Roast Chicken to a Caesar Salad and for my cooking business Cheke&Bake I even made a Kimchi Roast Chicken Pie. This style of chicken is great and so refreshing after eating a usual roast every week. You know what they say. A hundred ways with a dead chicken and I think I just discovered a really amazing one! So go ahead and give it a try!  Kimchi Roast on Sunday? Why not!

Cheke&Bake's Kimchi Roast Chicken Pie

Cheke&Bake’s Kimchi Roast Chicken Pie

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